Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cilantro Pineapple Smoothie

2 cucumbers, peeled & chopped (keep the seeds in, they are good for you!)
1/2 pineapple, peeled & chopped (or try frozen) (you can also add or substitute mango here)
1 large bunch cilantro
1/2 cup coconut water (or try filtered water)
2 TBL agave nectar (I usually put less than this amount)
2 tsp vanilla extract

Cinna-Banana-Peach Smoothie

by Marni

banana (1)
peaches (handful of frozen or 1 fresh)
"sprouted" raw nut butter (Better than Roasted is my favorite brand!!!) (1 or 2 TBL)
filtered water (2 or 3 cups)
agave nectar (1 TBL-ish)
vanilla (1 tsp-ish)
cinnamon (1 or 2 tsp-ish)

I'm terrible w/ just experiment!

Almond Milk

soak unpasteurized almonds approx. 4 hours in filtered water (none grown in USA by FDA law--I order mine online at

dates (I soak these at the same time/same water as the almonds)

rinse and drain--you MUST, MUST, MUST take the pits out of the dates or they will ruin your blender

put almonds and pitted dates in blender, start slow add water slowly

using a hemp bag (or if you have cheesecloth it works too)--"milk" out the liquid
the left over fiber from the nuts can be used later in raw dessert recipes

add a pinch of coarse sea salt


Red Grapefruit, Avocado, and Fennel Salad

from Raw Food Real World by Matthew Kenney & Sarma Melngailis
p. 109

3 large ruby red grapefruits or 5 oranges (cut the grapefruit for the salad, squeeze the extra juice into the dressing)
1/4 cup macadamia oil
1 TBL lime juice
coarse sea salt

2 ripe avocados, peeled, pitted, sliced
1 large fennel bulb, sliced thinly
1 small handful mint leaves, julienned
fresh ground pepper
1 tsp cracked coriander seed

Zucchini "Pasta" w/ Heirloom Tomato and Lemon-Basil Sauce

from Living Raw Food by Sarma Melngailis
p. 110

4 cups chopped yellow heirloom tomatoes
1 cup chopped celery
1 small shallot, coarsely chopped
1/2 clove garlic
3 TBL freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 cup coarsely chopped lemon basil

5 to 6 medium zucchini, spiral cut or julienned
1 red bell pepper, julienned
1 yellow bell pepper, julienned
freshly ground pepper
sea salt to taste